QUIZcms demo frontend

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QUIZcms explained

This is how it looks like, when you integrate our quiz via widget code into your website. The quiz builder engine is really simple and easy to use. Not only seeting up a quiz is easy, we have set up a system that has a maximum of usabilty for the user.

As soon as a user clicks on a response, the system automatically jumps to a squeeze-page, that determines whether the answer was right or not, also explaining why. The countdwon is stopped so the user has any time to read the explanation. The perfect way to introduce new products and services.

Within each question you will se a timer counting down the second you have seperatly defined for each question. Not every question can be answered in the same time! Difficult ones take more time than easier one. You have to choose yourself setting up new questions.

The pints in the highscore-result are being counted on the time consuption for answering a question. The faster you answer, the more points you will receive. We count in milliseconds and calculate points with our own quiz algorithm. As an additional cheat-protection you can activate the "randomizer", that will then randomly display the questions.

For a maximum of styling-flexibility you can use html-code for teasers, questions and answer-pages. Easily integrate images, links and videos the way you want it.

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